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Capgemini Mumbai telephonic interview questions 

1)what are the different locators you have used in webdriver?

2)can you give example of absolute and relative xpaths.

3)what is difference b/w close and quit in webdriver?

4)webdriver is a class or interface?

5)can you give class name which implemented webdriver interface.

6)scenario: if der is a element which contains id attribute, dat id is splited by two parts by ‘_’ (underscore), first part is constant

            and second part is changing. how do you find dat element using id.

7)suppose if element is hidden, how do get text of dat element?

8)difference b/w implicit and explicit waits.

9)how you deal dropdowns.

10)scenario: der is a link on webpage, click on dat link a window will open and now dat opened window contains 3 different frames and 

             you have to do operation on different elements in 3 frames and come back to window. how will you do dis.

11)what is timeout in grid?

12)what is browsertimeout in grid?

13)what do you mean by max instance and max session?

14)tel different annotations provided by TestNG.

15)suppose i want check particular exception in TestNG, how will you do?

16)what is soft and hard assertion?

17)what are different access modifiers and explain each.

18)can you define multiple public classes in single java file.is it possible?

19)class name and java file name should be same?

20)what you mean by final,finally,finalize?

21)what do you mean by for each loop?

22)can we remove any element by using for each loop?

23)diff b/w arraylist and vector?

24)how do you write custom class which is immutable?

25)create one custom class using interface inside in it, dat custom class should responsible for doing for each operation.

   which type of interface will you use to create such a custom class.

 Capgemini  interview questions.

1. Roles & Responsebilities.

2. framework explanation.

3. What is interface

4. What is inheritance

5. How u achieve  multiple inheritance in Java. 

6. Write program to reverse a number.

7. How you select an option in drop down.

8. What is iframe.write code to click on a button which is in a nested iframe. 

9. How to handle file downloading & uploading

10. Difference  between  implicit  wait and explicit Wait.

11.total number of rows in a Webtable. 

12. How to select  a check box present in a webtable.

13. What r webdriver exceptions

14. How to read data from an excelfile

15. How many testing environments u have in ur organization.

16. Write an XPath to get all the links.

17. How to read the text on a tooltip. 

18. Check whether  an element is displayed  or not.

19. There are 3 classes A B C. How to acess the methods of B and C in Class A.

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